Season 1 | Episode 15: tURtLE EGGS

Pipì, Pupù & Rosemary

Nature/Animation, Luxembourg/France 2007

Pipì, Pupù and Rosemary decide to go for a swim in the sea but on the beach they meet Gelsomina and Agenore, two sea turtles who are waiting for their eggs to hatch, which is supposed to happen any minute now. When the little ones are born, instead of racing towards their parents, they rush off to the sea, not only to escape the predators who are waiting for them too (especially the seagulls), but also to start their own search for Mapà. Having witnessed this magnificent spectacle of the little turtles’ birth and having heard the story of how, barely born, they run away from their parents, Pipì and Rosemary decide to defend them from the seagulls’ assault. Soon, however, they discover that the seagulls’ intention is not to eat the newborn turtles, but simply to photograph them. For they are photographer seagulls, who travel all over the world to take pictures of the way each species searches for its own Mapà. As proof of this, Pipì, Pupù and Rosemary receive a beautiful picture that the seagulls shot of the trio when they were searching for Mapà on the North Pole last winter.
8 min
Starting at 6
Audio language:

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Enzo D'Alò


Enzo D'Alò

Sound Design:

Yann Wirthor

Original title:

Pipì, Pupù e Rosmarina

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

Audio language:
